October 2004

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the difference

Water is a fluid. Water is the fluid. Water flows and moves like nothing else. It’s utterly familiar, yet utterly mysterious. Encountering an obstacle, water moves around it, over it, and washes away. Water moves, or does not. It is content to lay still and dark. It is content to move and change without end.
Waves are energy. The unceasing activity of waves is to carry the weight of water and throw it around the globe. An ocean wave, at it’s zenith, is the most awesome energy on the planet. Let loose, a wave is best content to travel only in a straight line. Waves step aside for nothing. A wave will roll on and on, stopping only to smash itself in fury against the immovable.
Neither can be contained. Neither can be owned or held. Both are phenomena best viewed with awe and respect. Still, one flows, while the other crashes… We sailors float upon water, but sink beneath waves.
That is the difference.

this isn’t a photo, but it’s about light.
i wrote it for a friend who was going through a breakup.
she’s a photographer too.

light is universal.

a light-proof box


our heroine has lost her love but not has not lost her love.
did you hear that? it happened just as i said.
our heroine has lost her light but has not lost her light. did you hear that too? it’s true, just as it happened to you.

what else can i say about her?
her name could be emily or beth or even hermione.
there’s really no way of knowing; i just tell the story.
words write themselves, the sun rises and the sun sets.
something is lost, something is found.

we could start this story at the beginning, but that’s not where our heroine resides.


smooth the pleats and fold the linen.
hold the hem tightly and turn down at the seam.
press this here, the collar.
push back the errant hair. turn, stand and hold. the pose.

don’t forget to smile. you’re such a pretty girl when you smile.

sometimes she feels that all she can see of the world are snapshots of missing pieces and that the greater whole is an image forever lost to her.


a camera is nothing more than a light-proof box equipped with some device for letting in light. in the simplest of cameras, there is only a small pinhole to admit light. a plain flap over this pinhole is opened and closed to control the amount of light that enters the interior of the camera.



Tonight’s music pick is the SoCal punk/rockabilly outfit Social Distortion. I listened to alot of these guys this summer, blasting out of a crappy tapedeck (remember tapes?) on the back wall of the shop, wrenchin’ on my buddy’s van. I don’t know what album the tape was of. Mainly live numbers, with some studio stuff mixed in, i think it was a home-brew job.
I can’t hardly think of a better setting for Social D, gritty and in the shop, with us cussin’ and greasy in the pit, ‘cept maybe a good live show. Mike Ness and the boys are rollin’ into Vancouver pretty soon; too bad i’ll have to take a miss.


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