November 2004

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Been getting into a routine lately. Or is it a rut? The mechanics of day-to-day life are getting simple, which isn’t always easy, but can sometimes mean “plain”. What’s the difference?


Take my diet. Seriously. I live on three basic meals, with just a few variations on each. Every day, i have a breakfast of mango yogurt and canned fruit. Totally spaced out and forgot to get either granola or a blender while i was in town today, which could add entirely new dimension to my breakfasts.
For lunch, i eat either (A) the last night’s left-overs, or (B) grilled cheese’n’bean sandwiches. Spread a tablespoon or so of refried beans onto a “slice” or processed cheese, slap between two pieces o’ bread, fry, and eat. Repeat as needed.
For dinner, i have either penne (pasta) or rice. The pasta comes in three versions; with (A) mushroom soup, onions, garlic, and tuna, (B) onions, garlic, and canned tomatoes, or (C) with pesto. The rice comes with whatever “and/or” combination of canned kidney beans, black beans, peas’n’carrots, or corn. I generally
alternate between rice and pasta.
For beverages, it’s loads of bottled water, suplemented with “happiness Cocktail” from time to time. The cocktail is equal parts Ting and OJ. Ting is this great TART carbonated grapefruit juice stuff from Jamaica.
Outside of that, it’s taken me three weeks to s-l-o-w-l-y get through a jar of Nutella (ahhh… pure luxury), although i do splurge on the occasional Dove ice-cream bar. So far, my food budget is something like $6/day, but it certainly could be worse. Still, i’m starting to get bored with the same food, and besides, there must be some health risks here…
i’m totally stoked that i havn’t had to go to a laundromat yet (pretty expensive here)! Laundry was a major headache for Kim and i. Of course, it certainly helps that there’s just one of me now, but it also helps that i’ve brought so many more clothes this time. With a washbasin and the bathroom sink, i’ve started a rotating system of soakings and washings. i’m using diluted Dettol for my clothes, which has a horribly antiseptic-yet-somehow-lovely smell from the pine oil it contains. Besides, it keeps down the germs! The flesh-easting disease on my leg is definately improving.
And, well, yes, that’s my day-to-day. Happily, 6 days/week of work (plus my own Sunday side-projects) is still the highlight. My Aspie Incidents are waaay down, but with basicly no social life, that helps. Boring? Bored? Hmmm… i’m here writing about soaking socks and beans’n’rice. What do you think? i;m not sure…


Came into work this morning to see a great sight out in the harbour. The re-launched J-Class yacht Ranger had shown up late last night. Unfortunately, she got underway this morning just as i was getting in the dingy to go grab a picture or two.
Goes to show that the classic yacht styling of the 30’s and 40’s will never die! Speaking of which, i’ll try to get out and take some pics of Bolero this afternoon, especially of her incredible bookmatched flamed mahogany transom.
The Soper’s Hole Classic Boat Watch continues…

Birdsongs by day and frogs by night. Crickets calling dawn and dusk. There’s a new treefrog here, an invader from Cuba, with a great galloping fallingwaterdrop of a call. Friday night was good night indeed.


Should wander around at night more often… like Friday night. Managed to avoid going to the bar with the boatyard crew, but after checking my mail and locking up, i spied a group of folks on the sandspit. Seems most every evening, there’s a group of dog owners there at sunset, for bathing, beauty, beverages, and general socialization (for both the two- and four-footed set.
Robin was there with Kailey, and Carl has his new (and tiny!) yellowpuppy rescued from a dumpster. Tracy was there with Roughy, and others with dogs whose names i can’t recall. There was some great conversation, on politics and national identity; seems i’m not in a minority as a dual-citizen here! After some time, the sun dropped stonelike o’er the horizon, and we each began to point ourselves home. A sudden invitation spared me another night of east-coast cable tv, however, as the crew of La Buscadora invited me out for a drink. Or several.
After a short blast in the dingy out through the charter boats hiding in Soper’s Hole, we made it to La Buscadora’s outside mooring. A delightful night ensued, with good talk, good food, and good drink. A great print on the aft salon bulkhead showed a US and British frigate in close action, and it was great to have a couple interested sailors to discuss square-rigging with! Great to find a couple more youngish adventurers here, working their way around the sunny side of the world, going from boat to boat!
Brody managed to weave her way back through the flood of moored charter boats and drop me off at the boatyard dock. I bid her goodnight, and wound my own way home, through the frogvoices, moonshadows, and other rum-fuddled delights of the night.

purty flowers, uh-huh… blooms along the FrenchMan’s Cay Resort drive, a short walk east from my place.

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