Yesterday had three interesting yachts in the harbour here in West End. Mirabella I, III, and V were all here together. The Mirabella range is the product of one seriously over-compensating guy…
Mirabella V was built, in part, to keep the “world’s largest” title in the family, after another yacht, Georgia had it for awhile. i’d seen photos and read articles about Mirabella V, so i had an idea of what it might look like. Still, coming into the yard this morning, looking out into the harbour, i knew at once what boat it was, without looking for distinguishing details. It’s just big. i mean, we get some crazy 100+ foot Perini Navis in here, J-Class beauties, etc, but nothing huge like that!
Mirabella V is the largest sloop, has the tallest mast, and has the largest sail of any sailing craft ever built. Her working (small) jib has more than twice the sail area of the Lady Washington’s entire rig! On a single mast, she spreads more sail (48,860 sguare feet) than any other two-masted boat, and many three masters as well. At 290 feet, the mast won’t fit under the Golden Gate Bridge!
Pretty hard to miss in our small habour…
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