October 16, 2006

You are currently browsing the daily archive for October 16, 2006.

I am sick. This really bums me out. A whole wasted weekend. When I felt it coming on Friday, at least I had the energy to go to town and take care of some paperwork. Managed to get into town again on Saturday shop, but then yesterday it was all I could do drag my ass across the road for a loaf of bread and some OJ.
Like I said to Slacks on the phone, if I have to miss some work for whatever reason, it doesn’t bother me, but when I miss out on productive days working on my own boat, it’s a real downer.
Now it’s Monday morning, and I’m too wheezy to sleep, not energetic enough to work, and thus stuck at an energy level useful only for reading wikis and watching crappy cable. Ug.