Means of Seeing what the eye brings

December 20, 2006


Filed under: friends,learning,philosophy — osteoderm @ 10:11 am

Met some people yesterday. Nice people. I have plenty of nice things to say about them, if I can only get over the resentment I feel towards them for being so awesome. Damn.
Getting that “small world” vibe again: Nadia and I trade blog addresses, and late last night I read that she is another one of Those (y’know, “Them”) and that yes, once again I am feeling some subtle cosmic shove in the back propelling me towards SF and all the “people like us”. Can’t seem to be able to say with certianty whether I’d be…
Intimidated by a surfeit of smart, well-travelled, expressive, educated, creative youngsters, or…
Just plain annoyed by a surfeit of smart, well-travelled, expressive, educated, creative youngsters.
I wonder if I just might be a little more of a small-town hick than I know.
My InnerGalit assures me that I just need to get into that comfortable place; with myself, with others, with settings that neither confine me nor amaze me into inactivity.
Bah. Too tired and depressed and cranky to work it all out.

October 18, 2006

quote of the day

Filed under: learning,paperwords,philosophy — osteoderm @ 6:41 pm

“One day everything will crash and everything will burn. Right now all that is burning is the belief that change can occur. We need to put out that fire and start a much bigger one.” – Ezakiah Valentine, from The Limitations of Progress, 1936

October 9, 2006

the internet is funny that way

Filed under: film,friends,learning,sounds — osteoderm @ 6:36 pm

So today during my lunchbreak, I’m flipping through the tv channels idly as my midday meal cooks (I’m back house-sitting for awhile), and what pops onto the screen but Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Whoa, flashback! I can’t help but watch.
A little bit in, I suddenly remember that Joan of Arc (in the movie) is really awesome, or at least I for one always thought so. When it gets to her scene, I’m all flashing back to highschool moviestar crushing. Still no idea who she is, and while I’m not a celebrity hound, I’m curious… Enter the miracle of the internet; Wiki, IMdb, etc., and I find my Joan. Jane, actually.
Turns out that Jane Wiedlin is actually a lot more well-known for her many other exploits, not the Excellent Adventure. But what do I know? I’m now thinking that she’s my new second-favourite 5′-tall chick guitar rocker, after Erin of course.

September 10, 2006


Filed under: learning — osteoderm @ 3:32 pm

Just been watching a series of Pakistan/England “One-Day International” matches on the local sports channel, all on my lunchbreaks… Pleasant background light and noise as i busy about my luncheons.
Of course, to more properly appreciate it all, i’ve had to poll the wags the local euro-sports pub on all things cricket…
My understanding of the game has been greatly helped by in no way making any attempt to compare it to baseball. i’ve got a handle on ODI play now, and working on understanding Test play. As with any such curve, the more i know, the more i enjoy.

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