This is a neat resource! Well worth a gander for those interested in historical ships. There aren’t many cruising boats to be found herein, but the research sounds well-informed and comprehensive.
December 30, 2005
July 29, 2005
word(s) up
The word o’ the day is “ployglot“. i especially like the computing language part. Applying this basic idea to the philosophy of dialogue is leading me down interesting pathways of thought.
June 14, 2005
Found a great naturalist’s field guide on one of the many bookshelves in the new house. i read it last week, and since then, i’m been amazed at how much more i’m picking up about the plants and animals around here. Of course, it’s also the start of summer, with all sorts of new flowers and plumages. The shallows are full of many tiny baby reef-fish, which makes for fun viewing along the edges of the docks during the requisite noonhour swim. The Laughing Gulls are exhibiting their breeding colours and fantastic jungle-bird calls.
Lately, the biggest, most colourful addition to the landscape has been the flowering of the Flambouyants; huge trees that just blend in the rest of the year are now thick with these wild orangish-red blossoms. As striking as any deciduous tree in fall up north, but made even more so by the contrast with the lush green all around them.
The Madagascar Periwinkles are in full bloom on the beaches, along with my other favourite underfoot beach vine, Beach Morning Glory. The Sea Grapes are coming out again, along with crops of mangoes, papayas, and pineapple. These all grow in profusion on the north side of the island (where the new house is), and my neighbor Rose’s fruit stand has a great selection for cheap. i’ve been informed that the pineapples here are smaller and less juicy than the typical Hawaiian varieties, but i couldn’t say for sure myself. However, i find them to be less sweet and more “pineappley” than those i’ve had from markets up north.
The sounds are alson subtley changing. Sometimes it’s just the Laughing gulls, but i’ve also heard (but very seldom seen) a new migrant cuckoo in the trees, with great songs of its own. At 5 am or so in the morning, just as the sun starts to peek over the horizon, the frogs and crickets swell to maximum volume, and are joined by the earliest-risers of the birds; i really have to get the microphones out and record the sounds!
During the day, most of the fauna is hiding from the heat. Even the sun-loving anoles seem less lively. However, in the cool underbrush on the northside, in the undeveloped areas around Smuggler’s Cove, i’ve found some great critters, such as some beautiful purple hermit crabs living up in the trees, as well as some species of glass lizard which i had never seen before, or even knew existed here.
Still not much in the way of spider sightings, although James was stung by a scorpion a couple days ago. i expressed my surprise that i had yet to see one (they’re supposed to be all over the place), and was told that they’re usually not much larger than a cricket, and very pale in colour. i must have unknowingly crunched over plenty by now! Far more annoying in the yard right now are the fire-ants. They stealth over your feet or up your leg until there’s a few dozen in place, then seem to all sting simultaneously! The stings pack wallop enough, but then go on to itch like crazy, and in most folks (myself included) terminate in small raised white blisters. Now that i’ve made the move to socklessness, i’m more aware of these little guys than ever. The mosquitoes, however, are definately on the decline, as most all of the standing fresh water has dried up, despite the occosional torrents of rain.
i’m hoping to get back up to Sage Mountain sometime soon and see what other life is in bloom around here.
October 20, 2004
a true sailor tattoo
I just noticed that someone had arrived at one of my blogs from a web-search for “hold fast” tattoos. It’s something that seems poorly documented online, so I thought I might talk a bit about traditional sailor tattoos.
Tattooing is an incredibly ancient form of art and self-expression. From the earliest age of sail, sailors traveling farther and farther abroad had begun to encounter indigenous people who had tattooed themselves for years. Sailors often got tattooed themselves as a form of souvenir, to show where they had been. Even today, sailors tend to be somewhat superstitious, and generally very aware of symbolism. Tattoos are a most intimate way of associating a symbol (and accompanying meaning) with yourself.
Many “traditional” tattoos have their roots in the history and customs of sailors. The “hold fast” tattoo i have is extremely traditional. It has since been adopted by other tattooing subcultures, but the original intent was to prevent sailor’s hands from slipping on lines, or to secure yourself to the riggin’ when working aloft in weather. To many sailor-folk, the meaning of “hold fast” is obvious enough, but those whose ear’s aren’t trained to it, it might sound a contradiction.
On board, a line (a rope to you lubbers) is “fast” when it is firmly and positively secured. In traditional sailing vernacular, many line- and sail-handling commands have been extended to include persons as well. To “belay” a line is to secure it with a series of turns (wraps) around a cleat, pin, bit, or kevel, stopping it from further motion. Likewise, to call out “Belay that!” might just as well apply to a person doing some undesirable activity, or to stop a previous order from being carried out.
Many other traditional sailor tattoos have their origins in superstition. One great example is the pair of tattoos of a pig on one foot, and a rooster on the other. The implication is that both these animals fear water, and that they will keep a sailor’s feet from sinking into the depths, speeding them back to land all the sooner. The ubiquitous nautical star is variously representative of the polar star itself, or of the compass card; both are to help the sailor find (and keep) their way.
Other sailor tattoos are celebrations of particular milestones. A fouled anchor on the forearm signifies that the sailor has crossed the Atlantic. Small blue stars on the hands signify trips made around Cape Horn. I have read references to turtle tattoos for those who have sailed across the Equator. I also seem to recall something about those traditional swallow tattoos on the shoulders being markers to show the crossing of the Tropics Of Cancer and Capricorn.
I occasionally encounter people with these tattoos who have little idea of their cultural and historical significance. I usually take a little time to try and explain it to them, as I feel that sailing traditions are extremely important to us all. Having my hands tattooed makes me a bit of an ambassador, I guess. My own tattoo artist felt very privileged to be able to “put a real sailor tattoo on a real sailor”.
If you’ve encountered other traditions or histories relating to sailor tattoos, please comment!