
All about my big boat…

Apparently, the fam is taking this wish-list thing a little more seriously than I anyone would! In light of that, maybe I ought to be a bit more serious about it myself…

Chief on my wish list are electronics and navaids. My eventual goal is to build a small NMEA 2000 network onboard. I’ve already ordered one of the important building blocks, and the piece that needs to go in before the boat floats! This is the Maretron DST100 transducer. Next on the list is a Maretron GPS100 antenna, and then one of the display/control heads. I’m leaning towards the Maretron units (DSM200/250), but with so many interesting units coming out in the spring (like Furuno’s FI-50 displays), and with the flexibility of an N2K network, I’m holding out until I come across the “just right” solution.
Next on the list are a chartplotter (not picky, as long as it’s N2K compliant), AIS (ditto), and radar. In a recent online comment, Steve Dashew stated that he’d choose AIS over a liferaft, a feeling I’m inclined to second. Radar is pretty cool, and with the right networked plotter already in place, it’s not too expensive. Still, these are things that will probably have to wait.

Besides electronics, everything on my wish-list is either: too large/heavy/awkward to ship here, or not available here. For all that, I’ll just delay my shopping (and wishing) until I’m back in civilization.

In praise

This post is in praise of Kelly and the other fine folks at Torresen Marine. Not only did they overnight my parts here (nearly unheard of in the islands), but when a mis-fitting part was found, they made the whole return/replacement process not only painless, but even enjoyable. Yay Torresen!

Wish List

I was just talking to my mom on my new phone, and among other things, she suggested that I put together a little wish-list of boat parts, now that Christmas (and incidentally, my launching) is coming up.
Right now, I’ve been pretty focussed on “the essentials”; those things that get me up and running, let alone all the extra bits that help out, but aren’t necessarily mission-critical. As such, my immediate list of wants overlaps closely with my usual to-do list.
Right now, it’s pretty short:
– 300′ of 9mm 1×19 Type 316 stainless wire (for standing rigging)
– 300′ of 10mm Sta-Set-X line (for halyards)
– A head gasket, freshwater pump, exhaust flange, and exhaust gasket
– An Airmar NMEA 2000 Triducer
That’s really all I need to get sailing, along with a few misc. sundries.

Buuuuuut, if there’s any benevolent fairy-godparents out there, I might expand the list to include:
– Anchors: a pair of 35lb Delta Fast-set, a 75lb three-piece Luke fisherman
– Sails: a main, an asymmetric reaching spinnaker, a lapping daisy, etc.
– A Maretron N2K control head
– A chartplotter: Raymarine E-series or Furuno NN3D
– Radar
– Ummm… Hard to come up with more… 🙂

boat jewelry

Today I dropped a few hundred dollars on boat jewelry. Boat jewelry is a pretty fluidly-defined thing, as most boat stuff is. For me, it’s that gear aboard that is just a little bit more expensive than it absolutely needs to be.
In some areas, such as, say, personal comfort or aesthetic, I can do without. Take my water system: basic, un-pressurized, running off a foot-pump. The shower: a bagful of water with a spout. The oven: non-existant.
But when it comes to sailing gear, I draw the line; it might mean a few jewelry purchases, but the boat is primarily a sailing machine, with everything else secondary to that. At least, that’s how I justify it.
I recently picked up a beautiful mainsheet traveller for a song. A proper Harken ball-bearing high-load mainsheet traveller with high-purchase controls has been on my “when I win the lotto” list for, well, forever. Now I had one, less end-controls, so… I went out and bought myself (er, bought THE BOAT) the appropriate Harken Carbo AirBlocks and offshore Cams to complete the deal. Jewelry; I could have done with the crappy old phenolic bearing-less blocks I had kicking around, but really… this is a sailing machine. A machine. Seriously.
Another semi-guilty purchase: a Spinlock XAS double ropeclutch for my reefing lines. Mainsail reefing, being a potentially do-or-die proposition, deserves the best gear. Ahem… Of course, I could have gotten away with a couple of (essentially free) hand-made teak cleats and a couple bucks worth of stainless fasteners instead of a $125 clutch, but…. boat jewellry.
The last purchase today was a VERY beefy stainless 10″ Seadog foredeck cleat. I had another (slightly less beefy) cleat ready to install forward, but the one I found today was a perfect match to the other side of the boat… and SO much more burly.
I belay my anchore rodes to these cleats, people! They NEED to be the heaviest-duty available!
Or some rhetoric like that. At least this boat will be about the sturdiest sailing machine out there…

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