May 8th
02:09EST – 19º41.129’N 065º11.275’W SoG 4.7kts CoG 340ºT Trip 154nm
Mellow/mellow. Steering 350ºC. Aries goes great.
Some shipping traffic.
06:24EST – 19º58.821’N 065º20.713’W SoG 5.0kts CoG 340ºT Trip 178.3nm
07:52EST – 20º05.815’N 65º24.548’W SoG 5.0kts CoG 330ºT Trip 187.8nm
Swell shifting SE. Increasing cumulus clouds. Wind still10kts.
Routing places us near 20º45’N 65º50’W @ 0800EST May 8th
09:20EST – 20º11.268’N 065º29.248’W SoG 5.0kts CoG 320ºT
Shook out main reef, all plain sail set.
11:41EST – 20º21.217’N 065º37.810’W SoG 5.0kts CoG 320ºT Trip 211.2nm
Sent position to router. Checked in with Leigh.
17:06EST – 20º48.065’N 065º50.600’W SoG 4.6kts CoG 320ºT Trip 247.2nm
17:48EST – 20º50.579’N 065º52.622’W SoG 5.9kts CoG 350ºT
Motor on, [charging] batteries.
Charging laptop and satphone.
18:30EST – 20º54.472’N 065º54.422’W SoG 7kts CoG 350ºT Trip 256.2nm
Motor off.
Iridium charged and left on.
22:08EST – 21º10.870’N 066º05.080’W SoG 5.2kts CoG 320ºT Trip 279.7nm